
Showing posts from February, 2021


Sansevieria trifasciata (also known as the Snake Plant or Mother-In-Law's Tongue) is one of the most popular and hardy species of houseplants. This succulent plant is very forgiving and perfect for beginners. Sansevierias have several names: Snake Plant, Mother In Law Tongue, Bowstring Hemp Plant, or Devil’s Tongue. They are some of the easiest and most beautiful plants to grow,  Sansevieria plants are great for indoors and mild climates outdoors.  Native to southern Africa, snake plants are well adapted to conditions similar to those in southern regions of the United States. Because of this, they may be grown outdoors for part of all of the year in USDA zones 8 and warmer. However, they spread by sending out underground runners and may become invasive, so treat snake plants like you would bamboo; plant it only in contained areas or pots. SNAKE PLANT PROPAGATION Learning how to propagate snake plants is easy. It’s true that too much water can kill your plant, but rooting a snake pl


Avocados are one of the wonderful fruits of summer. High in nutrition and flavor, nothing signals the start of summer like a zesty lime guacamole dip with tortilla chips. The next time you’re making guacamole or slicing an avocado for a salad, try saving your pits to grow into avocado trees. If you’ve been trying to root avocado seeds by suspending them over a glass of water with toothpicks, there is an easier way. I’ll show you a no-fuss way to root avocado pits to create new houseplants. It’s surprisingly easy to grow your own avocado tree from seed, and it makes a great educational project for homes and classrooms.  I recommend this method because it takes little effort and shows you exactly which seeds will germinate before planting them in pots. Growing an avocado from a pit starts with sprouting. The only skill you need to coax that hard avocado seed (aka the pit) to crack is patience — because it usually takes six to eight weeks to get a sprout. REMOVE & CLEAN PIT You’ll nee

8 Tips To Care of Plants in Summer

Who doesn’t love summer? Long days, warm nights, a time to take it easy.  We’re also drinking plenty more water and slathering on the SPF. But sometimes the summer heat can be a little overwhelming. It’s the same for your indoor plants. Even when they are in an air-conditioned office, your indoor plants can suffer from the negative effects of summer heat and humidity. Did you know plants, like people, can suffer from dehydration and sunburn? Like spring, summer is a growth season for houseplants. Adjusting water, light, and potentially switching their scenery can help our plants have the best summer ever. Don’t let your plants sweat it out this summer. Check out our summer indoor plant care tips. Keep growing conditions cool Your indoor plants are a lot like you. They don’t like it when things heat up indoors during the summer. Even if you have air conditioning, there are spots in your home or office that are hard to cool down. Make sure your plants aren’t sweating it out. Move them in

The Devil’s Ivy Plant - Care and Growing Guide

What if I told you that the devil’s ivy plant was given that name because it’s nearly impossible to kill? The Golden Pothos, or the Epipremnum aureum, is native to Southeast Asia. It has the reputation of being one of the easiest houseplants to take care of. Its common name, Pothos, comes from the genus is was once classified under Pothos aureus. The Golden Pothos is known for its heart-shaped green leaves with variegation in yellow. In the wild, it is known to overgrow forest floors and tree trunks due to its aerial root system. In good indoor conditions, you can expect the Golden Pothos to trail to 10 feet long or more. If a moss pole or other type of support is provided, the devil’s ivy plant will create a beautiful climbing houseplant. The Pothos is particularly fitting for indoor settings because it is able to filter gaseous toxins like formaldehyde from the air. Devil’s Ivy: hanging or climbing plant? Due to its trailing and climbing qualities, the plant can be sold as either a h

5 Garden Herbs to Plant in April

In addition to the satisfaction of cheating the seasons, these herbs make for frugal gardening, since you can start them from seeds rather than buying transplants. Here are five recommended herbs that are ideal for planting outdoors from seeds in early spring. Here is a list of herbs you can grow in April. Basil Chives Coriander Dill Parsley Basil As much as you hear about basil loving the heat (which is very true), it may surprise you that basil does best if started as seeds indoors (6 to 8 weeks before the last frost) and then transplanted outside when the weather permits. In fall, you can take root cuttings and transplant them into indoor pots and continue growing the herb through the winter. Basil will grow best in a location that gets 6 to 8 hours of full sun daily, though it can perform well in partial sun, too. Soil should be moist but well-drained. Basil works great in containers or raised beds, as these allow for better drainage. Basil is normally grown as an annual in USDA Gr

12 Air-Purifying Plants For Your Bed To Better Sleep

Living in an energy-efficient, the modern building can have unintended side effects. One of these side effects is less airflow. Lack of airflow allows for indoor air pollution to build up and cause health issues like asthma or sick building syndrome. In fact, modern furnishings, synthetic building materials, and even your own carpet may carry more chemicals than expected. These chemicals can make up to 90 percent of indoor air pollution. Some scientists have suggested that choosing the right air purifying plants for your home can help detoxify the air in your living spaces, meaning your houseplants not only look lovely but work a little harder to clean the air you breathe in. NASA's Clean Air Study found that there are a number of air-purifying plants that can detoxify your home from the airborne toxins, dust, and germs that can be found in a variety of household products, materials, and furniture. Difficulty sleeping leads to lower productivity, lack of energy, and poor health. S

How To Grow Ginger In Pots

There are a few spices that grow well in containers right at home, and ginger happens to be one of them. Popular in tasty Asian dishes and in many favorite baked treats, ginger adds zingy flavor to culinary delights of all sorts. And, ginger is super easy to grow in a container. In fact, it’s so easy to grow; you may not be able to stop yourself from running out today to get this simple gardening project started. You can have fresh ginger available to add to your own recipes in no time flat. Ginger has been a useful plant since before historical records even began. It’s believed to originate in India. It’s been a popular spice on the worldwide scale, second only to pepper, throughout time. Moreover, this plant is known for its medicinal properties, having antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. This plant, so appreciated around the world can easily be grown in pots. Here’s how to do this. You need: – fresh ginger root (you find it in supermarkets) – pot – topsoil Ginger r